Borderline Personality Disorder
DBT Skills Training Handouts & Worksheets, 2nd Edition (Author: Linehan) I cannot say enough about the long awaited follow up to Dr. Linehan's original Skills Training Manual! This most recent edition, published in 2014, includes new skills, modules, and exercises. DBT clients who completed a DBT skills group in the past will find lots of new material to help tune up their skills. If you are new to DBT, I highly recommend this manual to help you navigate the treatment process with your therapist.
DBT Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition (Author: Linehan) This book compliments the new skills text listed above and is intended for DBT therapists and skills leaders. It includes guidelines for how to organize and run an effective skills group, as well as the latest theory and research on DBT. Clients may find this book a bit dense and technical.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality (Author: Linehan) This seminal text by Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, is written for an academic audience. It is dense and includes the theory and research behind DBT in addition to a detailed description of the treatment protocol. This is a must read for DBT therapists!
Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder (Author: Linehan) This is the original DBT skills book. It is a good reference, but I recommend the updated 2nd Edition Manual for more current information on DBT skills.
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (Authors: Manning & Linehan) An excellent read for anyone struggling to support a loved one who has been diagnosed with BPD. This book provides readers with a deeper understanding of the emotions and behaviors of someone with BPD, as well as straightforward strategies for resolving conflicts that commonly arise in these relationships.
Obsessive Compulsive, Post-Traumatic Stress, & Anxiety Disorders
Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Author: Grayson) Written for individuals with OCD and those who support them. Grayson offers an easy to read overview of the development, maintenance, and treatment of OCD. He also provides information on how to overcome OCD using the well-researched approach of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).
Mastery of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Client Workbook (Authors: Foa & Kozak) This workbook is perhaps most useful for individuals in treatment for OCD. It includes many of the handouts and information that ERP requires.
Mastery of Your Anxiety & Worry (Authors: Craske & Barlow) The authors present a cognitive-behavioral approach to managing anxiety that is both accessible and effective. This is an excellent resource for clients and a useful accompaniment to any cognitive-behaviorally oriented treatment for anxiety.
Reclaiming Your Life from a Traumatic Experience (Authors: Rothbaum, Foa, & Hembree) Like other workbooks, this text is best used by individuals in treatment; it walks clients through the Prolonged Exposure (PE) treatment protocol and is a nice complement to the work you will be doing in therapy.
Depressive Disorders
Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time (Authors: Addis & Martell) An easy to read workbook for those suffering from depression. It provides a behavioral approach to treatment in addition to a well organized framework for making the types of life changes that have been correlated with symptom remission.
The Mindful Way Through Depression (Authors: Williams, Teasdale, Segal, & Kabat-Zinn) A very accessible book that examines the cognitive patterns that are hypothesized to create, and sustain, episodes of depression. Included is a CD of guided meditations for managing depression narrated by Kabat-Zinn.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (Authors: Segal, Williams, & Teasdale) This book is written for more of an academic audience, though it provides a new approach to the treatment of depression that clients may find interesting as well.
Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life (Authors: Hayes & Smith) A great introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that can be used by clients to target difficult emotions including depression and anxiety. It is easy to read and contains an impressive collection of strategies and exercises for readers to try.
Chronic Pain & Chronic Illness
Full Catastrophe Living (Author: Kabat-Zinn) An introduction to the theory and research that inform Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This densely written book might provide more detail than desired by some clients. However, for those looking to more fully understand MBSR, this is a must read!
Grace and Grit (Author: Wilber) From one of the most prominent figures in Integral Psychology, this book provides an honest account of what it means to live with cancer. Punctuated with excerpts from his wife's journals during her 5 year battle with cancer, Wilber explores the psychology of having a life altering medical illness and the social, cultural, and personal challenges with which these patients, and those who support them, are faced.
Wherever You Go, There You Are (Author: Kabat-Zinn) A must read for anyone interested in learning more about mindfulness. With short, concisely written chapters, this text will enrich the practices of those new to mindfulness and experienced practitioners alike.
Coming to Our Senses (Author: Kabat-Zinn) This book is written in much the same style as that used by Kabat-Zinn in Wherever You Go, There You Are, though it is significantly longer and a bit less focused. For those new to the practice of mindfulness, this book might be a bit overwhelming.
Peace is Every Step (Author: Thich Nhat Hanh) Another very accessible read for those who seek to understand the transformative properties of mindfulness and the wisdom in which it is rooted. Written by Nobel Peace Prize winner Thich Nhat Hanh, this short book has something for everyone.
Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha (Author: Tara Brach) A great introduction to the concept of radical acceptance. Brach provides insight into the innate healing that occurs when we learn to accept ourselves and how mindfulness can be used to guide us through this often difficult process.
The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living (Author: Dalai Lama) The Dalai Lama provides a compelling argument for how cultivating awareness through the practice of mindfulness can revolutionize the ways in which we relate to ourselves and each other.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (Authors: Gottman & Silver) This book is such a gem and relevant to anyone in a long-term, committed relationship. Gottman's work challenges many of the traditional myths about how to build and nourish healthy relationships. He provides well researched and straightforward strategies for strengthening relationships.
The High Conflict Couple (Authors: Fruzzetti & Linehan) The authors provide strategies for couples who are struggling specifically with high reactivity and/or intense emotions. Using the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) model, they introduce skills to help regulate emotions within the context of a relationship as a means of de-escalating conflict.
Parent Management Training (Author: Kazdin) A comprehensive review of Kazdin's approach and the research supporting it. This is an excellent read for clinicians as it focuses on the nuts and bolts of providing this type of therapy.
The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child (Author: Kazdin) I recommend this book to parents of children with even mild behavioral problems. Kazdin provides very concrete examples and advice regarding how to effectively shape your child's behavior in ways that won't compromise or strain the parent-child relationship. His approach has been extensively researched and is remarkably effective.
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child (Authors: Gottman, Declaire, & Goleman) A much needed perspective on how to help children understand, manage, and accept their emotions. Gottman's approach is intuitive, but also informative. I highly recommend this book to all parents!
Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions (Authors: Harvey & Penzo) Another easy to read text that delivers skills and strategies for managing children with intense emotions. This book adapts the model and skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in addressing the needs of children who struggle with emotion dysregulation.
DBT Skills Training Handouts & Worksheets, 2nd Edition (Author: Linehan) I cannot say enough about the long awaited follow up to Dr. Linehan's original Skills Training Manual! This most recent edition, published in 2014, includes new skills, modules, and exercises. DBT clients who completed a DBT skills group in the past will find lots of new material to help tune up their skills. If you are new to DBT, I highly recommend this manual to help you navigate the treatment process with your therapist.
DBT Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition (Author: Linehan) This book compliments the new skills text listed above and is intended for DBT therapists and skills leaders. It includes guidelines for how to organize and run an effective skills group, as well as the latest theory and research on DBT. Clients may find this book a bit dense and technical.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality (Author: Linehan) This seminal text by Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, is written for an academic audience. It is dense and includes the theory and research behind DBT in addition to a detailed description of the treatment protocol. This is a must read for DBT therapists!
Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder (Author: Linehan) This is the original DBT skills book. It is a good reference, but I recommend the updated 2nd Edition Manual for more current information on DBT skills.
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (Authors: Manning & Linehan) An excellent read for anyone struggling to support a loved one who has been diagnosed with BPD. This book provides readers with a deeper understanding of the emotions and behaviors of someone with BPD, as well as straightforward strategies for resolving conflicts that commonly arise in these relationships.
Obsessive Compulsive, Post-Traumatic Stress, & Anxiety Disorders
Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Author: Grayson) Written for individuals with OCD and those who support them. Grayson offers an easy to read overview of the development, maintenance, and treatment of OCD. He also provides information on how to overcome OCD using the well-researched approach of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).
Mastery of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Client Workbook (Authors: Foa & Kozak) This workbook is perhaps most useful for individuals in treatment for OCD. It includes many of the handouts and information that ERP requires.
Mastery of Your Anxiety & Worry (Authors: Craske & Barlow) The authors present a cognitive-behavioral approach to managing anxiety that is both accessible and effective. This is an excellent resource for clients and a useful accompaniment to any cognitive-behaviorally oriented treatment for anxiety.
Reclaiming Your Life from a Traumatic Experience (Authors: Rothbaum, Foa, & Hembree) Like other workbooks, this text is best used by individuals in treatment; it walks clients through the Prolonged Exposure (PE) treatment protocol and is a nice complement to the work you will be doing in therapy.
Depressive Disorders
Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time (Authors: Addis & Martell) An easy to read workbook for those suffering from depression. It provides a behavioral approach to treatment in addition to a well organized framework for making the types of life changes that have been correlated with symptom remission.
The Mindful Way Through Depression (Authors: Williams, Teasdale, Segal, & Kabat-Zinn) A very accessible book that examines the cognitive patterns that are hypothesized to create, and sustain, episodes of depression. Included is a CD of guided meditations for managing depression narrated by Kabat-Zinn.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (Authors: Segal, Williams, & Teasdale) This book is written for more of an academic audience, though it provides a new approach to the treatment of depression that clients may find interesting as well.
Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life (Authors: Hayes & Smith) A great introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that can be used by clients to target difficult emotions including depression and anxiety. It is easy to read and contains an impressive collection of strategies and exercises for readers to try.
Chronic Pain & Chronic Illness
Full Catastrophe Living (Author: Kabat-Zinn) An introduction to the theory and research that inform Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This densely written book might provide more detail than desired by some clients. However, for those looking to more fully understand MBSR, this is a must read!
Grace and Grit (Author: Wilber) From one of the most prominent figures in Integral Psychology, this book provides an honest account of what it means to live with cancer. Punctuated with excerpts from his wife's journals during her 5 year battle with cancer, Wilber explores the psychology of having a life altering medical illness and the social, cultural, and personal challenges with which these patients, and those who support them, are faced.
Wherever You Go, There You Are (Author: Kabat-Zinn) A must read for anyone interested in learning more about mindfulness. With short, concisely written chapters, this text will enrich the practices of those new to mindfulness and experienced practitioners alike.
Coming to Our Senses (Author: Kabat-Zinn) This book is written in much the same style as that used by Kabat-Zinn in Wherever You Go, There You Are, though it is significantly longer and a bit less focused. For those new to the practice of mindfulness, this book might be a bit overwhelming.
Peace is Every Step (Author: Thich Nhat Hanh) Another very accessible read for those who seek to understand the transformative properties of mindfulness and the wisdom in which it is rooted. Written by Nobel Peace Prize winner Thich Nhat Hanh, this short book has something for everyone.
Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha (Author: Tara Brach) A great introduction to the concept of radical acceptance. Brach provides insight into the innate healing that occurs when we learn to accept ourselves and how mindfulness can be used to guide us through this often difficult process.
The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living (Author: Dalai Lama) The Dalai Lama provides a compelling argument for how cultivating awareness through the practice of mindfulness can revolutionize the ways in which we relate to ourselves and each other.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (Authors: Gottman & Silver) This book is such a gem and relevant to anyone in a long-term, committed relationship. Gottman's work challenges many of the traditional myths about how to build and nourish healthy relationships. He provides well researched and straightforward strategies for strengthening relationships.
The High Conflict Couple (Authors: Fruzzetti & Linehan) The authors provide strategies for couples who are struggling specifically with high reactivity and/or intense emotions. Using the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) model, they introduce skills to help regulate emotions within the context of a relationship as a means of de-escalating conflict.
Parent Management Training (Author: Kazdin) A comprehensive review of Kazdin's approach and the research supporting it. This is an excellent read for clinicians as it focuses on the nuts and bolts of providing this type of therapy.
The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child (Author: Kazdin) I recommend this book to parents of children with even mild behavioral problems. Kazdin provides very concrete examples and advice regarding how to effectively shape your child's behavior in ways that won't compromise or strain the parent-child relationship. His approach has been extensively researched and is remarkably effective.
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child (Authors: Gottman, Declaire, & Goleman) A much needed perspective on how to help children understand, manage, and accept their emotions. Gottman's approach is intuitive, but also informative. I highly recommend this book to all parents!
Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions (Authors: Harvey & Penzo) Another easy to read text that delivers skills and strategies for managing children with intense emotions. This book adapts the model and skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in addressing the needs of children who struggle with emotion dysregulation.
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